About me
My skills
I welcome changes. It is part of life, and most importantly it brings new opportunities.
Someone once said:
We Can’t Solve Problems By Using The Same Kind Of Thinking We Used When We Created Them.
I don’t like being hyper-specialized in one single domain. I’d rather change, try something new, learn a new skill, talk to different people, listen to other opinions, try new roads.
Every time I step out of my comfort zone I know it will be difficult, but it is the only way I know to grow and just be better in what I do.
Being able to sit at many different tables requires the right approach, being able to adapt its own communication terminology and some practical experience on the field.
My skillset reflect my passion for Technology, Development and Methodology:
I really like working with people that thinks differently, and own different abilities.
In this way, each team member plays to his unique strengths, such as strategy, leadership or operations, while rallying around the team’s shared purpose.
Social skills are at least as much important as the technical ones: